When I picked up my brush to make this first painting for my curriculum, I realized how thankful I was for the years of dedicated drawing practice. Nothing about painting seemed as straightforward as drawing, and yet, I could lean on my ability to see shapes and values.
I share this first painting because it is a milestone. Unlike my self portrait, which marked the culmination of my struggles with dry media, this pewter pitcher is my new beginning--a sticky, slick slope I'll have to climb. I'm excited to chart my path forward by figuring out the brushes, substrates, and tools that will enable me to turn form and watch my hand create a "look" that is all my own.
There is no particular look I am shooting for. I am simply going to explore naturalistic drawing to as full an extent as I can to develop my skill. Then, with skills in hand, I'll have all I need to paint as I so choose.
Let's see how things develop.